Our outings
When protecting arable crops from pigeons, we are faced with these wild, agile, and challenging birds.
A formidable foe.
An alien specie from Asia. The UK is the only European and new world country to hold a truly wild population of these magical little deer.
chinese water deer
Also originally from Asia, we are fortunate to be in one of very few English counties, or even areas of the world, where they are present in the wild.
Fallow deer
Fallow deer are the only species living wild in the UK who grow palmate antlers. This makes them unique here when all their cousin species have conventional spikes and tines.
roe deer
Locally, there are strong numbers of this old time classic, that allow the structured removal of good body weights and consistant trophy quality.
Upon request, we may be able to arrange outings for hares, game birds, rabbits, corvids or nocturnal opportunities for foxes.