A first-time deer stalking experience with Chiltern Sporting
A few months ago, Richard had his first deer stalking experience with one of Chiltern Sporting’s guides, Henry. He happily left review of his experience with us and we are very proud to share it with you. Here is his story told in his own words :
I was looking around for something to do in the countryside during lockdown and I came across Chiltern Sporting and I couldn’t believe it when I realised it was on my doorstep.
“Having fished and shot game all my life I was looking to experience stalking for the very first time in my life.”
I contacted Tom by email originally and he got back to me very quickly with details, dates, rates etc. All was very reasonable. As I had not shot a rifle or stalked before Tom suggested I start on Chinese Water Deer which need culling on a local farm to conserve their crops. We agreed a time and date where I would meet my guide Henry and I duly set out one early November morning before it was light.
Henry was already waiting for me and we drove to a local farm where he showed me the rifle, scope and binoculars. He was keen for me to test the trigger and action on the rifle and I was glad that he did as I now know what a hair-trigger feels like and nothing like a shotgun trigger.
“We walked quietly into the next field just as it was starting to get light enough to see the horizons. ”
Henry warned me to keep my voice to a whisper and to keep below the hedge line behind us. We chose a good spot below the hedge and started scanning the field. There were some bucks a long way out to the left and two or three does and young bucks in front of us about 190m away. All the time, my guide was explaining the lie of the land and where not to shoot bearing in mind what lay beyond the deer.
He then got me to sit on the ground with the rifle on a tripod and to watch the deer through the scope. Whilst he was watching through the binoculars we chose a deer from the group and waited for it to turn broadside to us.
“Once in the ideal position I checked with my guide if the shot was good and he said “Go for it”.”
With a silencer on the .243 there was not much sound as I took the shot and the deer collapsed without moving and Henry called a good clean kill shot. We had done our job, culled a deer that had been feeding on the winter crops and got some lovely meat for the pot at the same time.
“The whole time Tom and Henry looked after me brilliantly and I will definitely be using Chiltern Sporting again. All the gear was in great quality and worked well and I didn’t need to bring anything apart good outdoor clothes.”
— Richard
The Lucky Hunter is organizing a prize draw to win 2 days with 3 outings with Chiltern Sporting, more details below
Avoiding issues that arise in association with deer via non-lethal methods, are not a long term solutions. Their numbers are ever increasing. Instead of demonizing shooting folk in the UK, we should be promoting them, bringing new members into deer stalking, promoting more local venison, shooting more deer and praising those that keep a balance for all our wildlife on a daily basis. We should be educating the next generations on responsible countryside management, closing the disconnect in today’s society.
Between species who thrive beyond natural numbers (such as foxes, corvids, pigeons, rabbits…) and those who have a hard time adapting in the modern sculpture of our landscape (like ground nesting birds, pollinators, red squirrels, butterflies…), deer are somewhere in the middle for the most part. They tend to thrive in most of our countryside and the estimated deer population of the UK is the highest it has ever been at any point before, as it is in many other countries and continents.
Deer stalking (or deer hunting for any non UK English speakers) is a thrilling experience and in our core we share the very same emotions, goosebumps, respect and gratitude as our earliest ancestors had. The fact of the matter is being part of this cycle and eating what we have hunted ourselves is such a fulfilling sensation. We know exactly where our food comes from. An article in 3 parts
We are excited to keep you updates with our latest news, our blog articles, our competitions and the range of our services, from pigeon shooting to deer stalking. Subscribe to our updates delivered to your inbox.
The Lucky Hunter is organizing a prize draw to win a day outing with Chiltern Sporting on the 16th of December 2021, more details and link to participate bellow
Andrew had come stalking with Chiltern Sporting over a weekend and had learned a lot over a couple of blank sessions. Pleased with the whole experience, they had come again and fortunately for Andrew the tables had turned and we were able to lead him onto a roe buck, which he harvested calmly, in a calculated manner. He kindly left us a few heart warming lines for us to share
Steve is a seasoned hunter and an avid field to fork enthusiast. Last winter season, Steve had come through Chiltern Sporting for a chinese water deer. He had kindly left us a little message to publish, here it is in his own words :
I’ve had the opportunity over the years to shoot with a number of guides for both pigeon shooting/control and also for deer stalking.
Yet I’ve always gone back to Tom and company at Chiltern Sporting for a number of simple reasons - professionalism, knowledge of their quarry, nice guys and the fantastic countryside over which they shoot.
A few months ago, Richard had his first deer stalking experience with one of Chiltern Sporting’s guides, Henry. He happily left review of his experience with us and we are very proud to share it with you. Here is his story told in his own words
Chiltern Sporting is glad to be running a prize draw having reached 500+ followers on Instagram. It is open all week to enter, from Monday 2nd to Friday 6th of August, for one of our Instagram followers to win a guided stalk for a roe buck on the Friday 20th August.
Discover our day rates for fallow deer stalking outings. We are able to offer beautiful opportunities in our selected woods and estates, according to your trophy goal and the structured management plan. Our prices includes…
We are very pleased to be associates of the Oxford Gun Company.
They are a well established family run gun shop and shooting grounds, in Oakley, Buckinghamshire. The team of David, Doug, Shirley, Charlotte and all the others are very welcoming and down to earth.
Situated a short drive from the M40, not far from Aylesbury, Bicester and Oxford.
Corvid is a scientific group name for the crow family. It is not in this case a typo of Covid 19! It includes: Carrion crows, rooks, magpies, jays, hooded crows, ravens and jackdaws but why do we want to control their numbers? Some we do not. Ravens for example are granted full protection in th UK and are not very common in most areas, and in places without nearby woodlands, jays are usually not present and thus not an issue.
Discover the last part of our set of article about the deer in the U.K. We have 6 different species of deer in the UK : Fallow deer, Red deer, Sika deer, Muntjac, Chinese water deer and roe deer. Discover more about them, the role of the population management for a sustainable ecosystem of the wildlife and the importance of the genetic problems they face - Read more…
We are lucky to have 6 different species of deer in the UK, this article focuses on the Roe deer and the Muntjac. In this set of article, discover the deer of Britain, some natives and some aliens - Sika deer, Red deer, Chinese water deer, Muntjac, Fallow deer and Roe deer - Read more…
We are lucky to have 6 different species of deer in the UK, some natives and some aliens - Fallow deer, Red deer, Sika deer, Muntjac, Chinese water deer and roe deer. Discover more about them, from the Red deer, iconic mascot of the Scottish Highlands to the magical and discret Muntjac, the role of the population management for a sustainable ecosystem of the wildlife and the importance of the genetic problems they face - Read more…
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Coming to the UK by car is an excellent way to freely explore the country during your stay. The time between your deer stalking bookings in the summer, or the evenings after a day in the pigeons is often enough to allow you to venture out into the surroundings if you wish…
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Discover our day rates for roe deer stalking outings. Thanks to our reconnaissance work, we are able to offer beautiful opportunities in our selected woods and estates, according to your trophy goal and the structured cull plan. Our prices includes…
Discover our day rates for chinese water deer (cwd) stalking outings. Thanks to our reconnaissance work in Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire, we are able to offer beautiful opportunities on our farms, woods and estates. Our prices includes…
Discover our day rates for muntjac stalking outings. Thanks to our reconnaissance work in our area, we are able to offer beautiful opportunities in our selected woods and estates for Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire. Our prices includes…
Discover our day rates for pigeons shooting in our region between London and the Cotswolds. We offer beautiful opportunities to appreciate the challenge of those agile and fasts animals. Our prices includes…